As the local joke goes; "If I were going to Stowe, I wouldn't start from {wherever you are}..." Actually, Stowe is easily reached by car. Train and bus services are available into Waterbury, only 20 minutes from Stowe. Jet air service into Burlington International airport is only 40 minutes away, while the Stowe-Morrisville airport for smaller craft is 7 miles north of Stowe village. Rental cars and taxis are available in Burlington, Waterbury and in Stowe. If you plan on driving, follow these directions:
From Boston take I-93 65 miles north to Bow, N.H. Take I-89 120 miles north to Exit 10 in Waterbury, Vermont. Take a right off the exit and follow Rt. 100 north 10 miles to Stowe.
From Hartford, New York, Philadelphia, Washington and points south, take I-95 to I-91 North in Hartford. Take I-91 through Massachusetts into Vermont. At White River Junction, take I-89 north 61 miles to Exit 10 in Waterbury. Take a right off the exit and follow Rt. 100 north 10 miles to Stowe.
From Albany take I-87 north to Exit 20 at Glens Falls. Take 149 to Fort Ann, Rt. 4 north to Fair Haven, Rt. 22A north to Vergennes, Rt. 7 North to South Burlington, I-189 to I-89, then I-89 south to Exit 10 in Waterbury. Take a left off the exit and follow Rt. 100 north 10 miles to Stowe.
From Montreal take Rt. 10 east to Rt. 133. Take Rt 133 south to the U.S. border. Take I-89 south to Exit 10 in Waterbury. Take a left off the exit and follow Rt. 100 north 10 miles to Stowe.
From Toronto take Trans Canada Highway 401 east to Cornwall Head south from Cornwall, cross the St. Lawrence River and the U.S. border and pickup Rt. 37 south to Malone. Take Rt. 11 North to Rouses Point. Cross the bridge over Lake Champlain and pickup Rt. 78 in Alburg. Continue along 78 to Swanton and then take I-89 south to Exit 10 in Waterbury. Take a left off the exit and follow Rt. 100 north 10 miles to Stowe.
How long does it take to get to Stowe by car?
That depends on where you start. Consider the following:
Albany 3.5 hrs
Boston 3.5 hrs
Buffalo 8.5 hrs
Hartford 3.5 hrs
Montreal 2.5 hrs
NYC 6.5 hrs
Ottawa 4 hrs
Philadelphia 8 hrs
Toronto 8 hrs
Washington D.C. 10 hrs
What is the closet airport to Stowe?
The Burlington International airport (BTV) is located 40 min from Stowe.
How do I get from the BTV airport to Stowe?
You may rent a car at the airport or use the one of the van services. Pegs Taxi or The Blazer (802) 253-0013. (Note: It is cheaper to rent a car)
Should I rent a car?
You should consider the idea, things are spread out in stowe, you will want to go off-site for dinner, shopping, etc... The cost of a 5 day economy rental is about the same price of the van service.
What is the difference between the Weekend Package and the Full Package?
The Weekend package includes a discounted lift ticket voucher valid Saturday and Sunday only as well as access to all activities starting at 5:00 pm on Friday. The Full Package includes a discounted lift ticket voucher valid Wed - Sun and access to all events.
Whats the current weather in Stowe, VT?
CLICK HERE for current weather conditions in Stowe, VT
Who is scheduled to perform at Winter Rendezvous 2017?
Jimmy James on Thursday, LOGO's comedian Julie Goldman on Saturday
2017 Entertainment and Event Line Up
May I purchase tickets for the events and Live entertainment, if I'm unregistered?
Yes, You may purchase indivual tickets online or at the door.
May I register for Winter Rendezvous when I arrive Stowe?
Yes, we will make every attempt to accommodate you. Please know there will be a surcharge for on-site registration, events may be SOLD OUT. We strongly encourage you to pre-register for the event.
Which scheduled activities must I sign-up for and or book in advance?
Dog Sledding YOU MUST BOOK DIRECTLY WITH Umiak Outfitters call 802 253-2317 Saturday 6:00 -8:00 pm BOOK IN ADVANCE
What if I'm a non-skier?
No problem. there is plenty to do for non-skiers, and we have special discounted packages for non-Skiers. Many come for the social aspect, the entertainment, or winter activities other then skiing, there are plenty to choose from. You will not be board!
What is the general make-up of the winter Rendezvous group?
The folks attending Winter Rendezvous are from all walks of life, predominantly gays & lesbians, of all ages, from New England and beyond, bears, young urban professionals, cowboys and cowgirls. As well as friends, family, and any other open-minded, fun loving, gay friendly person who cares to join the fun. We do require you bring a sense of humor and positive attitude.
How do I register?
If you prefer not to register online you may send a check or money order payable to Winter Rendezvous. Mail to Winter Rendezvous, 50 Victory Road, Boston, MA 02122-2628.
What about trip insurance?
Trip insurance is strongly recommended. There are several companies which offer trip insurance. Be sure to read the terms & conditions of your policy.
Travel Guard International is one company you may consider. Our clients have had good experiences with Travel Guard. MJW Adventures is not in any way affiliated with any trip insurance company and will not assume any liability.
What if I did not find an answer to my question?
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